The holiday of Purim commemorates the salvation of ancient Jewish peoples from the Persian empire, as told in the Book of Esther. During this celebration, people send mishloach manot (like gift baskets!) to friends, family, and those in need; eat Hamantaschen cookies to celebrate Haman’s defeat; dress in costumes; and read the Book of Esther to recount the story behind the holiday.
To help you teach your students more about this religious holiday, we’ve curated resources to make it easy to bring Purim activities into your ELA and social studies classrooms.
Help students explore the role scriptures and other texts play in the joyous Jewish celebration of Purim with nonfiction articles:
After you have students explore these resources, pair them up for small group discussions. Have them use Newsela and other outside resources to answer the following questions:
Then, have them use what they’ve learned to create a party invitation, inviting others to a Purim celebration. The invite should include information about the history of the holiday and the symbols associated with it. Make sure students also include other information you’d see on an invitation, like the date, time, location, attire expectations, and any other special instructions.
It’s easy to add additional skills practice to any Newsela lesson with just a search. Our updated skills search filter for Newsela ELA lets you select which skills you want to teach in the classroom and find articles that match! Ready to give it a try? Log into your Newsela account to see how it works!
Create engaging classroom lessons for Passover, a Jewish holiday, by exploring content and activities. Start a free Newsela trial today.
Create engaging classroom lessons for the Christian holiday of Easter, and learn about its history and traditions. Sign up for a free trial today.
Create engaging classroom lessons for Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, with ELA & social studies activities on Newsela. Sign up for a free trial today.
East Orange School District filled curriculum gaps and engaged K-12 students using Newsela Social Studies, providing vetted, accessible content.
Using Formative assessments improves high school math scores, especially for low-SES and Hispanic students, meeting ESSA Tier III standards.
We’ve identified 12 areas where your schools and districts may benefit when transitioning to standards-based grading.